Stars and Strips Strawberry Shake with Blue Bell Strawberry Ice Cream

Stars and Stripes Strawberry Shake

Celebrate the red, white and blue! Our delicious Stars and Stripes Strawberry Shake combines Blue Bell Ice Cream with tasty fruit for a colorful garnish.

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Stars and Stripes Strawberry Shake


  • 4-5 scoops Blue Bell Strawberry Ice Cream
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Fruit tape or fruit strip candy
  • Whipped cream
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries optional


  1. Using kitchen scissors, cut fruit tape candy into half-inch strips.
  2. Cut 1 banana into half-inch thick rounds. Use a knife or cookie cutter to create 2-3 star shapes. Save the remaining banana pieces for later.
  3. Place blueberries and star-shaped bananas on a wooden skewer.
  4. Combine milk, remaining banana pieces and Blue Bell Strawberry Ice Cream in a blender until smooth.
  5. Pour shake into chilled glass.
  6. Top with: whipped cream, fruit kabob, fruit strip candies.
  7. Optional: garnish with strawberries.



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